Our Collaborated Schools

We are pleased to inform you that V Care International Preschool is officially collaborated with mentioned school

If any one of you are interested to take admission in above school from Nursery, Jr KG or Sr.kg even in 1 Standard, Kindly take the consent letter from V Care office So you will get guaranteed admission in the mentioned school. In some school you will get administrative fees waiver also

Awards & Recognition

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Cerificate From Vibgyor Group Of School
Cerificate From Orchids The International School
Cerificate From Ryan Internation Schools
Cerificate From iMaths
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Awards & Recognition
Sk Jinal Sheth (2) 1
Best Innovator in Teaching by Spiritual Konnect
Perila Sheth Woet 2021 1
Woman of Exceptional Talent by Spiritual Konnect
Woc Perila Sheth (2) 1
Woman of Courage Award by Spiritual Konnect
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Universal High School Collaboration Agreement
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National Education Leadership Awards